15 setembro 2008

DCC MINOX LEICA M3 Digital Camera

Minox DCC Digital Classic Camera Leica M3
WOAW! Foi a primeira impressão que tive, ao vislumbrar a surpresa que a antiga fabricante alemã havia preparado para a virada do século, ao miniaturizar a vintage Minox DCC Digital Classic Camera Leica M3 reduzida à um terço da escala, alimentada com microfilmes 16mm em película formato 8X11, revelação C-41 feita somente via Correios.

Famosa pelas spy-cams da Guerra Fria (é clichet e sempre tem um filme com cenas assim: Um cara secreto invade algum arquivo secreto n´alguma edificação secreta intransponível -ou quase- e saca do bolso secreto interno do paletó uma secreta Minox, fotografando -ARRÁáH!- plantas secretas! ) a Minox, na contra-mão do mundo digital, lançou com enorme sucesso esses nano-mimos do design, verdadeiro fetiche, digamos, quase-erótico, verificável entre 9 de 10 bons fotógrafos.

A Leica M III propriamente dita, a de filmes 35mm, veio ao mundo em 1954, tendo sido produzidas mais de 200.000 unidades até a última camera alemã entregue em 1968 e o ´grande segredo´ da sua quase incompreensível limpidez nas suas lentes polidas à mão tem berço e... nem é tão secreto assim: O seu designer, Ernst Leitz, prosperou fabricando microscópios, daí tendo surgida a lenda e criado-se o mito de seu impressionante DNA ÓPTICO, algo bem próximo do infalível.

WOAW! This was my first organic response/impressions when I realized a bit more about this big surprise from the old german factory built, to comemorate it is entries on XXI Century, miniaturizing the famous Leica M3 35mm Vintage about 1/3 of the scale. The first Minox succesfully miniaturzation works with the famous 8X11 films, also knowed as "half 16mm" cinema film. In fact, the 8X11, largely used on the pré-war Fit subminiature cameras, is a 16mm cutted in the middle, without the tracks. On Fit cameras, the film is curled as a diploma.

Minox is much more known as a SPY-CAMS manufacturer. On Cold War times, in real life or in dozen movies about it, ten in ten spy personnel invading some secret plant, carving som e secret file, inside a secret building, getting out the pocket a secret cam to take tpictures of a.. SECRET PLAN! The geraman manufacturer, against the next big world digital tide, launch this nano fetichist jewell, almost erotic, to Connaiseurs, not the whole public.

The Leica M-3 itself, the one wich works with "classical" 35mm film, come in this world in 1954 and 200,000 units of them was made till the last one in 1968. The "Secret Sauce" from it is almost unspeakeable and in a mist of mystery cleaness about his hand polished lenses has an answer and, if you know much more about the factory, it is not a so secret thing, watch out: His designer, Herr Ernst Leitz, it becomes healthy as a industrious man buildiong.. MICROSCOPES! It is from this statement tha the Leica legend born, wich explain the luminosity of it is glasses.

HEY! Credits all of mine, please, I will send you my bank account number to you, nice guy, make this... ;)

Ah! Por sinal, seja decente uma vez na vida, íntegro, honesto, ético e bacana: Agora voce tem o argumento, preciso como um míssil alemão, do por quê do mito Leica: É que ela nasceu muito mais como sendo um instrumento científico, do que uma câmera fotográfica. Créditos? Aqui: LondonCallingz. Minha C/C? Envio dados breve... :D

Sensualidades reprimidas à parte entre comuns mortais, Sebastião Salgado registra os seus impactantes ensaios com uma, original.

The world famous brazilian photographer, Mr. Sebastiao Salgado carry a lot of Leicas inside his luggage.

O velho mestre Henri Cartier-Bresson esmerilhou as poucas de suas Leicas ao limite, consta que a sua camera predileta, ainda (r)existe.

The creator of the "Decisive Moment" concept, Monsieur Henry-Cartier Bresson is a Leica devorater, using a dozen of them in his life as a unique photographer.

Pressentindo a ameaça do iminente tsunami digital, a fábrica, situada ao norte de Frankfurt e próxima de Bonn, surpreende mais uma vez o mundo dos escribas da luz, anunciando a mesmíssima miniatura da sua DCC Leica M3, agora em pixels, modestos 1.0Mb encontrados em muitos fones celulares mas convenhamos: Uma Leica...É uma Leica !

Evidentemente, se o que o fotógrafo procura é um equipamento refinado, não será essa miniatura lindíssima e sedutora que vai atender suas necessidades (para isto a Leica -não a Minox- tem a excelente V-LUX1 e seus pornográficos 10Mb com lentes de 14 elementos em 10 grupos, límpidas de fazer chorar), pois o fetiche de colecionável ou só adquirível supera a razão, em busca da emoção.

Pois o melhor, dos muuuitos press-releases que eu já lí por aí para o lançamento de um equipamento qualquer, é a definição de fábrica, do que vem á ser uma Leica M3 dessas: UM NOTEBOOK DIGITAL!

Nós brasileiros, quando pronunciamos ´notebook´, o fazemos com uma certa... hmmm, pompa e circunstância, quase como algo que nos diferencia da escumalha-padrão ou a.) por termos um ou b.) ao menos sabermos do que se trata uma néotraquitana informática dessas.

Notebook, caros mortaes, trata-se de C-A-D-E-R-N-O em inglês, isso mesmo! Livro de notas e, o que a MINOX conseguiu com esse fetiche, foi justamente alimentar os consumidores ( e aos fazedores de imagens ) com um gadget à altura (talvez num nível ainda mais elevado), onde menos é mais: Nada de tralhas adicionais, às quais, se existentes, voce as usaria uns 10%, se muito, lembre-se do seu PC e do desktop aí do dia-a-dia, entulhado com inutilidades às centenas...

Feellings about the digital tsunami eclodiong in the world beaches of photo, the factory at north of Frankfurt an near Bonn, announces one more time to the light scribers of the World the same subminiature camera, but now, whearing Pixel stuffs... Yes, only and poor 1.0 Mp, most cell phones are strongger, but a Leica... IS a Leica!

Of course, if the photographer wants refinement and wants a work tool, this seductive
subminiature DO NOT works. To fit this, Leica itself ( not Minox ) built the powerfull 10Mp V-LUX1 Camera equipped with pornographic 14 gang-bang elements in 10 Lenses Groups, you feel reazons to starts to cry about it. For instance, on Minox Gadget, the main reason is showed in capital letters on the motto of the miniature: A DIGITAL NOTEBOOK, indeed.OK, just to make silly justice on this: a NANO-SUB notebook... ;)

Nada de cartões Sandisk, sem Flash (OK: Eles tem um bem legal, das antigas, redondinho como nas Rolleiflex dos jornalistas que usavam chapéu com um cartão escrito PRESS enfiado no sutache...), foco em duas posições (Meio Perto e Bem Longe o que, convenhamos, não tem erro...), paralaxe dos Sete Infernos, onde só lá pela quinquagésima oitava foto voce aprende a ver o que está no visor pela mini-ótica, deslocada à extrema esquerda quase saltando fora do case em pouco mais de 3mm de diâmetro, menor que muitas fechaduras.

A(s) lente(s) equivale(m) ao bom e velho formato próximo ao do olho humano, descoberto pelos japoneses: 48mm; Abertura em f:2.8; Armazena 99 imagens em 24bits com 2048x1536 pixels e, o mais incrível: Quem ´lê´ a cena enquadrada não é um sensor de bits, mas sim um grupo único de 5 elementos óticos fixos, usinadas com vidro polido à boné: ArRÁh! UMA CÂMERA-CÂMERA DE VERDADE!

A minha veio equipada com mais-que-suficientes 4.0 Mp, permite mini-posters de 350mm de largura, coisa que nunca vou imprimir -acho- pelos próximos 50 anos. Para isto, tenho minha Canon AE-1 carregados com Ektachrome, macacos me mordam! (como é isso em inglês? Como fica uma mordida dessas, depois de feita pelos tais?)

The M3 camera comes with zero/nothing/niet/nada features: There are NO cards. NO lcd screen on back, but a two digi counter ( I wonderer: FOR WHAT someone wants to see what his gets... IF WAS HIM ITSELF WHOSE MADE IT THE CLICK? ). NO strap. NO leather case. NO flash. ( Ok, it has one, a vintage old pressman like, chromed parabollic Rolleiflex style, with, yes, nano hot shoe, but, come on... ); And you will need the first 30 or maybe 50 photos to find the correct position of the lenses, to compesate a little and delicious parallaxis, the difference that exists in the image that enter the lenses, compared with the almost pinhole visor at top left on the back of the camera. The lenses is simmilar to the human eye curvature (thanks to the japaneses of Canon), yes, is 48mm with f:2.8 aperture ! 99 (ninety-nine!) 24bits images in 2048x1536 pixels can be containnered inside it and the most uncroyable: ALL IMAGES ARE READ BY GLASS! Yes, it lenses have a solely group of 05 fixed elements, at least, a cemera-camera in real !

The little jewell of mine comes with ENOUGH 4.0Mp and run printed posters 350mm high later at the photo lab, but for this prints, I used my Canon AE-1 35mm "classic"

Assanhado que só vendo, armei-me de Paquímetro, Couro Camurça, Estilete com lâmina nova, Régua de aço e elaborei um case Classudo & Único, inspirado no da Canon AE-1, vestiu como uma luva, quem diria, eu, de seleiro! ...Tá legal: Ficou torto num das arestas, mas ainda ficou Classudão. Tem vaciladas em cola-de-contato, na base. Mas é Único, vai. Cortei meio ruim onde caberia o display do Counter View e botão ON. Mas, ó! Meu case ficou BEM bacana, EU JURO !

Essa mesma Minox DCC Digital Classic Camera Leica M3 já está sendo fabricada à 5.0Mp com telinha colorida de LCD atrás, prá mim, uma bobagem sem tamanho da era digital: É como curtir núpcias na Limousine, antes do Casório, mas com essa escumalha desesperada em satisfação imediata, deslumbrada quais bons e sempre irredutíveis caipiras... talvez valha o relativamente pouco e baixo investimento.

Coisa aí de uns R$600. Devo encomendar mais uma, em muito breve;
Serve como WebCam à 320x240@10fps, o dia que eu souber configurá-la;
evo-a até ao Cinema, mas acho que preciso me tocar duns tróços... ;)

Na sequência, algumas provas de visão da criança, sem passar pelo
Photoshop (
caberia uma esquentadinha nelas):

Inspired a lot, happy as a child just before crush the beauty squared can package out, I take my Canon AE-1 Leather case, to serves as a model... Than,m with a paquimeter, take notes about every little dimension of this Litle Jewell... and, yes, like an authentic Leatherman, starts to cut nobuk soft leather to make my own case! FITS LIKE A GLOVE! Uh... OK, drops of glue slit out here and there. But looks Classy! And... well, i cut a piece out of line, here and there... But looks Noble! And... uh... The duo-digi counter, is almost covered by a lack of precisement there, in the hoke, but... C´MON, MY CASE IS COOL, I SWARE !... ;)

This same gadget exists also at 5.0Mp and, yes, with everywhere LCD backscreen, for me, the most sully and stupid thing on the universe of digital photography. People that I know, including myself, KNOWS what is going on, when a cemara is the main tooll in that optic moments... LCD´s was like make sex on the Limmo, after be married with a lovely gal... But in a Fast Foof society like this... Well, do not worry about it...

It costs about U$300; I will by another one for me, WITHOUT the LCD, Yup? Serves as a WebCam with 320x240@10fps, in the day that I wonderer how to configure it ( I will NEVER use this as a webcam...) I bring it EVERYWHERE, even at the Movie Theaters! (Ok, I need some hints about this odd behaviour).

On next shots, ( and in all others images taken here and in most photos at the BLOGSPOT´s links at right ) ýou will see what this diabolic seductive sexiest nano gadget can do, to an eye wich like to see the surrounded Worls of an ordinnary brazilian person like me.


COPYRIGHT: Christian Steagall-Condé


17 julho 2008

Cathy Fishel Interviews on me

IV. Legal considerations
–What are your responsibilities as a sole proprietor?
In First issue, time. Clients in general, VW of Germany at Wolffsfsburg or Joe's Used Cars on Corner's Street are NOT very kindfull in questions over time scheduled matters. If Day 21 of June is the day to show the Brand New Logotype means "
Day 21 of June is the day to show the Brand New Logotype", not day 22. OF JULY!

That's becouse you are taking part of a VERY complex chain of business, wich your contribuitions will (
or must will ) helps companies ( mean: peoples ) to make money.

Thousand of hundreds of designers throughouth the world have STRONG difficults in understand this, thanks to a matter of scale (
size ). Designer have strong power in hands, but all of them it is to be used to find solutions, not to ensure your own existence on Earth.

You are a WORKER. A very prepared and rare one. But a WORKER. It is simple like that.

In Second issue, originality. (
In Third issue, too! ) It is unnaceptable a lack of originality in creativity business. If you are NOT a VERY creative person/soul/guy/buddie/writer, this is NOT your business, pay VERY MUCH ATTENTION in this.

In 4th issue, at least on latin markets, to name Brazil for example (
in this country, more Portuguese- Iberic, then "Latin" itself to be precise ), it is NOT rare to make friendiships among clients. So, do you will NOT think this is a calm and sweet ocean to sail. Pay atention EVERY DAY AND EVERY TALKS among clients, in some cases, you are PART of that business you are helping to grow wit your ideas. You are not a relative.

Ethics. If you LOVE a can of cold beer, it is not a good idea to helps a church comunity in a anti-beverage program. And if you HATE a can of cold beer, how can you go to work, if you are hired to make an Ad Poster to that little factory of handmade beverages ? Sense and Sensibility it is the driving force among Ethics, even if you are an Extra-Terrestrial being.

–Should you have a contract and what should it contain?
ALWAYS. ALWAYS. ALWAYS. NEVER ( N - E - V - E - R ) work without a printed and both signed sheet of a paper titled "Contract". Starts with your name, profile, adress and ID numbers, than, all of this of ypur Client and then, the objext of contract ( a new logotype, for example ). Time to make this, when, what is in and what is out (ex. phisical mails ), the price of this job, WHEN to pay, HOW MUCH to pay ion case of desistence and, if will not payed, what happens. An attorney at your city can helps to write this as a geenric use and in most cases, you can write an issue about Credits, Citations, Authoring, Copyright,etc.

–What should you look for in a client contract?
See above.

–How can you limit your liability?
In a issue writings in a so clear style, that doubts in it was impossible to happens but in some cases, a limitation of your liabities can be meanning as a lack of profissionalism.

–What sorts of legal protection should you have (such as insurance)?
The "insurance issue", in most cases, it is used for desistences by the Clients in a job. Clients MUST understand that creative jobs are a VERY long-therm process starteds in childhood. Creative people it is precisely like an instument, like, let's say a Violin. In apropriate conditions and environments, can produce a very gracefull music. A Violin is not very usefull to make a camp fire or hit things like a nail or somebody's face. In this two absurd cases, works, but not very fine. A chop of wood and a hammer works better.
V. How to promote yourself and get more referrals
–What are some options for self-promotion, both conventional and surprise?
–What are some promotional opportunities that freelancers often miss?
Public Concurses and Open Premiations of representative and important companies ( for example, Karcher water pumps ) to promote brands or products, can make your name shine among market, with a very little budget, but do not participate in this issues, if time it is a problem. A premiation can be seeing - as a direct analogy- a "Client" itself. The contract in this case, is the issues of the promotion itself, so, read with care atention every single coma.

–What are examples of passive and active self-promotion?
Supose that a School of Childrens of the Comunity are cleaning the park on the beyonds area. If you know in antecipation that this will happens, ypu can helps with design to promote this subject. Your name will NOT in what ypu create for, but your ideias are IN in. This is Passive Promotion and works so fine as Active ones.

An Active Self-Promotion, in most cases, are implicit that you have to spend some money, like a "DESIGNS OF JHON DOE'S" exibit on Prefecture Mall or even on inside corridors of a Shopping/Outlet Center. Or even in an art Gallery, to fit empty spaces on the scheduled exibits of this same Gallery. An workshop among students of an School or even an Exibit in this same building, will make a phocused attention on it, but you have to enlight much more your own name or the name of your, let's say, Design Company. Yes, you ARE a company. A Lone Rider Ones, but a company.

–Where do you find people to promote to?
Connoisseurs, people wich work with art issues, promoters, marketing people in shopping centers and similiars. Magazines with pages that "culture" or "art" is an issue inside it ( even the everyday newspaper!), Colleges, Foundations, Industrials mens, the list is endless...

–Should you work with a promotional agency or representative?
if the risks are low, under a written contract,yes. This is a "dangerous area" of the design business, becouse in SOME cases, the designer works are, implicit, under risks, becouse you need some budget in it. a Promotional Agency or a Legal Representative, only if you are an awarded or coast-to-coast ( at least, regional ) easy recognized ones. With at least 10 years of market.

–How can you get more referrals?
Keep your on-line production updated. Send things to people wich you KNOW they like what ypu make, even friends, long-therm or e-friends. Writes a blog. Search for some specific magazines of your business, to send material to be publicated in it, without charges. Write to newspapaer talking about design and working with design.

Even a Rotary Showcase, among rotarians (
or lionins...) , works. Believe: Even very smart and educate people of XXIst. Century DO NOT KNOW precisely what designs works or serves for. Tell your Clients about your DESIRE to achieve much more clients. His indications, the most precisely ones of the entire market, will falls like rain above your head.

But be prepared: You are wised since now.
VI. Finding the right sorts of clients
–What is the right kind of client?
The one wich pays. I mean in a valorization of your work as strategic, not issues for his caffeteria like sugar cubes or roasted brazillian premium brew. Do not consider it is size. NEVER. Size DOES NOT MATTER in design business. The works, matter. 95% of global design are made by solely designers, the I, ME & MYSELF DESIGN Co.

–How do you establish the right mix of clients/jobs?
Not more than 30% in same area. For example, in one of my cases, Once I had 35 clients of top cattle breeders in an national association of herdbookers. This 35 brands was 100% of my clients. When some few sons and daughters of this rural farm owners formed as a designer, this people understand that was time to promote his own careers. In 365 days, I had losted ALL of the 35 clients. I spent one more year promoting myself in new niches, enhancing my mix. It is very cheap to know right things, with the mistakes of another ones. Like this.

–What do various sorts of clients want from you?
70% wants low prices. It is like gambling. Design IS NOT gambling. If you are a phocused profissional person, you will TEACHES the market on how to work. Clients wants proffits.

You also.

Unnafortunelly, people thinks that you are a "blessed" or "gifted" person. But think in a design manner is cansative, hard, precise, mistakeless and so on. Like the business things inside the one wich is hiring you. Most of them wants the cheappest way to promote something.

It is like Architecture: Some sink tap are Gold-Leafed. Some are in Bronze. Some are Brass. All of them serves to put water over your hands. If you knw how mach budget your Clients have BEFORE any movement, this will helps you in spent the right amount of money, mixed with cultural behaviours. Designers must read everything about everything.



–How can you negotiate client politics and protect relationships?
This is a matter of size. The size of your Clients DO NOT MATTER. The works matter. But you are "little" and your client is "big". A fine way to negotiate politics and protect relationships was study HARD the business of your Clients, BEFORE sign any kind of Contract. In some cases, contacting people wich works as a supplier on it on the recent past. Do not forget that you MUST HAVE a printed and very "clear" contract of work. But flexibility is a plus in some cases.
VII. Effective partnering
–How can you be a good partner to your clients?
Exclusivity. it is like a Wife in your life. of course you can play whit other non-wife "womans" but this festive and teenager behaviours will not last at all. This analogy is not Puritanism things:

This is BUSINESS things.

Do not work without payment, in any case. You MUST survive in design business and this happens when you are payed for what you makes.

Alerts your clients, if you watch some "strange" movement among his main or obscure competitors.

Knows much more about the area you are working for. You can NEVER trips in a railroad manner, but if your client works above the twin rails, it is a nice good idea make a trip inside a cabin to achieve real knowledgemente about it. Nones borns knowing all stuffs of this complex life.

Why you?

–How can you get good feedback from your clients?
ASKING, ASKING, ASKING. Restless askings manner. And not just before your work had be done, but on the entire process. Your Client is pure gold.

Beter: is Pure Oxigen.

–What is the formula that turns a one-time client into a repeat customer?
Low prices are not. Depends most of the cultural issues of the Client itself. Study his actual suppliers. How much time they are working together? The client is Active? Passive? They tell you how much they can spent in design issues?

–How can you learn more about your clients and their needs?
See above.

–What to do when things go wrong?
Assumes it. But not immediatly, you MUST HAVE TO KNOW ALL ABOUT IT, BEFORE ASSUMES IT. You are not a hero. You are a human being. I had a BIG client named as Coca-Cola, a bottled division here in my Country. A regional chain of hotels hires me to create a Room Menu, to tell guest people about food, wines, city atractions, and so on. By a lack of attention, the bordeaux color of a brand of beer here was printed smooth dark. A difference that only trainned/talented/photographer/designer people can perceive.

Coca-Colas staff people perceiveds it.

They works with that color everyday time.

Coca-Cola calls me and on the brief meeting, explains me the "problem'. All works printed! I assume the mistakes and reprinted all material, by my own responsability, no new charges. Was hard to me to pay for. Coca-Cola hires me again, in other works, like this things never happens.


Later, the mistake was not mine, but a Coca-Cola staff woman gives me a wrong Pantone Code. If I spent time and arguments in this case, maybe I can be considered a difficult person/supplier. The mistake becomes cheap. This is not a formula, but REALLY can helps in similar cases.

VIII. Managing workflow
–How can you protect your sanity from the clock?
Internet is a Timer-Thieffer. Creative people are naturally oriented to curiosity and achieve brand new knowledgement or points of view. Assumes it a limit of hour into researching times, playing times, let's say, 2h by day. And OBBEY IT. Works with a buddie in the same environment (
the same place, not the same job ) works fine. Under pressure, is a nice way to concentrate/produce.

–What are the best time-management tools for freelance designers?
The Contract helps, becouse you have a pre-schedulled data in it. At least, this is not new, it is a recognized day time to work. Never stops the work. If you are tired, fine, rests, but DO NOT LEAVE THE WORK in the same stage. This not means 14h by day on it. Means hours on it, EVERY DAY.


You are a FREE-LANCER.


–Can you also manage subcontractors?
YES. Designers as usual, can stay one entire month in a year, without work. A good network will helps, among recognized people of you. Ex-Classmates for example. Who knows this fellow can not be your business partner on tomorrows ?

–How do you handle large or long-term projects?
Stop everything you are making for a moment, let's say, 30 or 60 days, at least, on the main areas of the project. This not bleeds or kills you. None desinger dies becouse this. This is an opportunity -not a problem- to phocuses HARD among your knowledgementes. Cry for help, among others proffisonal designers, even a Foreign-Your-Country ones, for whats serves the internet ?

Shows works or pre-works to others. Compare with Competitors from your Client. Do not assumes new hirings during in short time, this works will ends sooner and you know when, in most cases. Pay atention to writes in the contract adittional fees, if times transpassing the "normal" term.
IX. Achieving a life/work balance
–How can you maintain a balance between work and your private life?
Home Office do not works fine like people dream it. In most cases, a laptop in a caffeteria works better, if privacy (to work) in home was a problem. Do not receive people in home, this is a Time-Thieffer. Friends (
at least, the real ones, as soon as relatives...) will understand your "delicated" situation. Some jobs it is like Pregnancy. Fascinating, Desirable, some times complicated, but natural and ends one time, the time that the creation happens. Freelancers are different workers under a different way of work. If yourself not respect yourself, how can people can respect you ? Some freelancers think that, just becouse I am in home, I can work naked or with underwears. Dressed sharp, ready to receive Mr. President was a nice idea to achieve respect to your own work AND environment.

Even if your clothes are a T-shirt and a jeans.

–Is there a way to separate private space from workspace?
Only if you are a methodic person or your wife or husband respect territories. If you not talks about it, it can never happens. A different phone number in case of home-office works very fine. A nice thing
to think: That's right, you are a freelancer. But who tells that you MUST be a houser? Find a little
and charmous place or room on downtown. Freelancer do not means an absent of a place to work.

–Do you get vacation and holidays?
ALLWAYS! Two times a year. You achive less money than ordinary workers, but have a lot of free time to leave well. When ordinary workers be reach, they will do EXACTLY what you do now, but you do this TODAY and with 10% of money.


Nice hints: Designers can experiment more than 30 days without work in a year. In some cases, 2 months in 12. Solution? Vacations! Do not fight with facts. Enjoy it with them.

–Are there other times when you can get recharged?
National dates (one-day hollydays) is a plus, to make short trips or relatives home visits. Do NOT packs your work together: Leave them home or in safe recorded at the Hard Disk...

And PLEASE, invest some time in a hobby. Wich one. This turns you a better person, not a better profissional. But if a thing turns you into a journey better person..., well, chances are good to becomes a much more better professional.

–How can you get your body and your mind away from work?
Music, Music, Music. Atlethics, Atlethics, Atlethics. Take care about your body, it is true that you works fine with some injuries, even a hard one, but you be more productive and very satsified with your body in form, in a natural way. Play sports, even the aloned ones.

–Do you need to perform periodic self-evaluations?
YES, INDEED! office-shops, meetings and even universities classes.

–How to find time for continuing education (conventional or unconventional)?
Participating in national congress and university meetings and even make promotional exibits of your work as alone or with other professional people thinking in promote the Design as a tool of everyday business. Exibits makes you more refined to choose waht shows and it works a calibration of your own visions. Sometimes, we be blind, so many as we seein.
X. Accessing your progress
–When is it appropriate to review your personal and financial touchstones?
Comparasions. Works, but in most times this is not relevant or reliable. Suppose that a classmate designer it is, in present times, "better' than you, with sharper gadgetsm or a brand new car and so on... Review your atributtes BEFORE your personal and financial tohchstones. Thousando of million peoples wants your way of life. None gets it.

Needs courage, phocus and persistence. Woks with design, for me, it is like to have a tungsten heart with liquid steel flowing as a blood. If you want to be reach with design, I mean material reach, you are in the very wrong way. Try e-Auctions or Nasdaq.

Design is an everlast ocupation, like Architecture.

You will be better and faster and smarter with time.

More old you are, more phocused you are. And much more better.

Freelancer business show to us a very reliable proof:

It is the end of The Job, not The Work.

–When do you know if it’s time to pursue another path?
Lack of creativity. Repetition. But be smart to make no confusions with "style". Your DNA it is your best value. And, if you are really unsatsified with your occupation and you can not find the "why" in this case, it is time to persuade others path, but DO NOT BE RADICAL.

Works in parallel, like a probe.






–When do you know if it’s time to expand your business?
Constantly hiring. Hability to manage schedullings, even the short ones. Hability achieved in manage large works. Over-the-market fees or honoraries. A shiny golden statuate over your desk...


25 fevereiro 2008

PIONEER SE-E55 J1 Stereo Consumer Headphone

PIONEER SE-E55 J1 :: stereo consumer headphones

Esses designers japoneses são mesmo infernais. Ou devia dizer
Pioneer todo brasileiro já conhece, graças aos
´Toca-Fitas´ (
ainda existem ? ) que equipavam painéis de quem
entendia de som de carro,
se bem que lembro que quem exibia o
tal de
RoadStar considerava ser -esse sim- ´o´ som. Era mesmo ?

O nome dessa criança é Pioneer SE E-55 e logo de cara a gente
percebe que
eles não estão prá brincadeiras ou
se estão, conside-
ram brincadeiras como coisas sérias.
À começar pela Carenagem
Cromada, imediatamente
sugerindo tecnologia sofisticada, cara e
atualizada (diga High-Tech) e
se um desmiolado não se convencer
disto (
além do peso da griffe ) as soluções desenvolvidas para um
design ao mesmo tempo Ergonômico e ´Espacial´ arrebata o olhar
no foco
e vai-se sentindo uma baita vontade de usar um ...
e logo!

Mesmo sem ter um em mãos, assim que o encontrei pela internet
´headphone´, lá estava o Pioneer SE E-55 mas não dei
muita bola, pois
estava garimpando por um Adaptador USB+P2
extraviado do
meu iRiver S7 MP3 que era por onde energizava a
criança perdida. (
confira no artigo abaixo essa saga, completa )

Quando vasculhei a E-loja que vendia essa verdadeira
Môsca Azul
estava até meio e-migo do coreano da iRiver, que me forneceu
uma lista de Revendedores
) lá exibía o intrigante Fone-de-Ouvido.

Meio o
brigado à comprar um novo adaptador, arrisquei mais um
ADD TO BASKET e fiz a transação, conferindo o tal cadeadinho
no canto inferior esquerdo da tela do
Notebook Toshiba Satellite.


Afinal, ter nas mãos Cartão de Débito aceito internacionalmente &
internet & Quireras no Banco, convenhamos... trata-se de ventura
de fazer gelar o sangue de QUALQUER dos valentes que conheço!

O despacho foi DOI-DE-RA-GEM, digna da logística deste
Séc. XXI:
A fase do
Handling, foi numa E-loja Norte-Americana, enquanto o
, deu-se via Made in Japan... em direção à.... KOO LON!

YUZ! Correios privados situados na
província autônoma de arrá !!
Hong Kong, me despacharam o mimo via Air Mail para o Brasil,
100% rastreável
pela internet, desnecessário confessar que achei
SIM que estava embarcando é numa tre-men-da duma GELADA.

Em 30 dias, nosso Correios Nacionais ( eficientes até onde eu os
utilizo desde sempre ), deixaram uma papeleta na caixinha com
endereço de qual Central eu teria que apanhar a remessa, pois
os bravos Carteiros passam bem na pausa do meu almoço, hora
que todos os Prestadores de Serviço em Londrina imitam a UEL.


Debulhando um belo pacote com CARA de Correios com plástico

bolha e belos Selos Artísticos chineses monocromáticos inclusos,

as imagens sempre tão bem fotografadas e límpidas da internet
fizeram justiça ao aúdio-gadget:
A NOTA É ONZE! Com Louvor.

O fone de ouvido é estupidamente BOM! Por onde quer que
se tente relativizar
o projeto, desista. Começando pela leveza,

as hastes macias que imitam as dos óculos (
prá que inventar
a roda se óculos funcionam muito bem à mais de 200 anos?

Um inacreditável design de Pavilhão Auditivo, à um só tempo
Orgânico e o sensacional nano-INTERRUPTOR no
meio do fio por onde voce obtém contrôle do Volume de Áudio.

Uma vez, salvo engano, um Dekassegui me disse que uma das

ofensas mais pesadas no Japão, era chamar alguém de creia-me

Depois disso, sempre pensei como nós, 99%
dos brasileiros, somos escrôtos e galaticamente TÔSCOS, se o

referencial forem os japoneses no quesito PRODUZIR RUÍDOS.

Então, nipônicamente, nesse interruptor temos 03 funções já
incorporadas, as mais visíveis
são o interessante botão frontal
com 03 Pontos em Relevo Grip ( seríam uma
letra ´S´ de ´sound´ em código Morse?
) e com duas posições,
e MANNER (traduzo literalmente: MANÉRA, PÔ! )
derrubando o sinal de áudio em - 30% e permitindo que voce
converse com o seu interlocutor, sem voce gritar, por reflexo.

O Pioneer SE-E55 tem slide switch que deixa seu MP3 mudo (MUTE)

O SOM reproduzido é límpido e potente (
igual ao fone de ouvido
de fábrica do meu iRiver S7 MP3
) mas o mimo revela surpresas
incríveis: O pavilhão auditivo interno emborrachado e bem macio,

DESLIZA pelo corpo da haste, adequando-se às orelhas do usuário
em 04 Posições, traváveis e audíveis com
suaves cliques sucessivos!

Na gringa, por miseráveis
US$18 (não paga nem projeto do Designer )

Existe também na opção em Preto Fôsco (e Vermelho para a Europa)

Vem um cabo adicional de 1.0 Metro (prá ouvir som de outras fontes)


DADOS TÉCNICOS do Pioneer SE-E55 consumer headphone:

Watts Totais......... 50mW
Peso Líquido........ 18G
Tamanho........... 16mm
Respostas........ 15Hz~24.000kHz
Impedância ..... 18 ohm
Sensibilidade... 104dB
Interruptor.... 16mm
Cabo Tipo .... 3.5mm 3P
Cabo Plug.... 600mm
Cabo Plus .. 1.000mm
Nome........ Pioneer SE E55

( clique nas imagens, para investigar detalhamentos do design )
